Lost Lake Folk Opera magazine - a Shipwreckt Books imprint
Submission Guidelines
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Lost Lake Folk Opera - literary magazine published twice annually. Please include a short bio with you manuscript - short fiction (1000-6000 wds); one-act and other short plays or scenes (1000-6000 wds); essays and opinion (500-3000 wds); poetry (no more than 10 poems or 10 pages).
Shipwreckt Books accepts submissions year-round, but the general reading and acceptance period for our annual Winter issue is in November-December.
Rocket Science Press for fiction, literary as well as genre novels and short story collections. Please submit a query letter, short bio and writing sample - 10-20 pp.
Lost Lake Folk Art - for memoirs, family stories, bio, essays as well as any other non-fiction. Please submit a query letter, short bio and writing sample - 10-20 pp.
Up On Big Rock Poetry Series - for high quality poetry - no chapbooks, only full-length collections. Please submit a query letter, short bio and writing sample - 5-10 poems.
Manuscript Development and Editorial Services - We assist authors with their manuscripts by enriching and elevating writing style, focusing on the narrative - fiction or non-fiction - expanding and/or cutting when it's necessary. To learn more about Shipwreckt Books development and editorial services, please use the submission upload below.